Skyrim Archery Perk Codes List
Perk Name | Perk ID | Skill | Editor Name |
Adept Alteration | 000C44B8 | Alteration | AlterationAdept50 |
Adept Conjuration | 000C44BC | Conjuration | ConjurationAdept50 |
Adept Destruction | 000C44C0 | Destruction | DestructionAdept50 |
Adept Illusion | 000C44C4 | Illusion | IllusionAdept50 |
Adept Locks | 000C3680 | Lockpicking | AdeptLocks50 |
Adept Restoration | 000C44C8 | Restoration | RestorationAdept50 |
Advanced Armor | 000CB414 | Smithing | AdvancedArmors |
Agile Defender 1 | 000BE123 | Light Armor | AgileDefender00 |
Agile Defender 2 | 00079376 | Light Armor | AgileDefender20 |
Agile Defender 3 | 00079389 | Light Armor | AgileDefender40 |
Agile Defender 4 | 00079391 | Light Armor | AgileDefender60 |
Agile Defender 5 | 00079392 | Light Armor | AgileDefender80 |
Alchemist | 000BE127 | Alchemy | Alchemist00 |
Alchemist Rank 1 | 000BE127 | Alchemy | Alchemist00 |
Alchemist Rank 2 | 000C07CA | Alchemy | Alchemist20 |
Alchemist Rank 3 | 000C07CB | Alchemy | Alchemist40 |
Alchemist Rank 4 | 000C07CC | Alchemy | Alchemist60 |
Alchemist Rank 5 | 000C07CD | Alchemy | Alchemist80 |
Allure | 00058F75 | Speech | Allure |
Alteration Dual Casting | 000153CD | Alteration | AlterationDualCasting |
Animage | 000581E1 | Illusion | Animage |
Animal Vigor | Dragonborn DLC Code + 0059A5 | Werewolf | DLC1AnimalVigorPerk |
Apprentice Alteration | 000C44B7 | Alteration | AlterationApprentice25 |
Apprentice Conjuration | 000C44BB | Conjuration | ConjurationApprentice25 |
Apprentice Destruction | 000C44BF | Destruction | DestructionApprentice25 |
Apprentice Illusion | 000C44C3 | Illusion | IllusionApprentice25 |
Apprentice Locks | 000BE125 | Lockpicking | ApprenticeLocks25 |
Apprentice Restoration | 000C44C7 | Restoration | RestorationApprentice25 |
Arcane Blacksmith | 0005218E | Smithing | ArcaneBlacksmith |
Armsman | 00079345 | One-Handed | Armsman80 |
Armsman Rank 1 | 000BABE4 | One-Handed | Armsman00 |
Armsman Rank 2 | 00079343 | One-Handed | Armsman20 |
Armsman Rank 3 | 00079342 | One-Handed | Armsman40 |
Armsman Rank 4 | 00079344 | One-Handed | Armsman60 |
Armsman Rank 5 | 00079345 | One-Handed | Armsman80 |
Aspect Of Terror | 00059B78 | Illusion | AspectOfTerror |
Assassin's Blade | 00058211 | Sneak | AssassinsBlade |
Atromancy | 000CB419 | Conjuration | Atromancy |
Atronach | 000581F7 | Alteration | atronach |
Augmented Flames Rank 1 | 000581E7 | Destruction | AugmentedFlames |
Augmented Flames Rank 2 | 0010FCF8 | Destruction | AugmentedFlames60 |
Augmented Frost Rank 1 | 000581EA | Destruction | AugmentedFrost |
Augmented Frost Rank 2 | 0010FCF9 | Destruction | AugmentedFrost60 |
Augmented Shock Rank 1 | 00058200 | Destruction | AugmentedShock |
Augmented Shock Rank 2 | 0010FCFA | Destruction | AugmentedShock60 |
Avoid Death | 000A3F64 | Restoration | AvoidDeath |
Backstab | 00058210 | Sneak | Backstab |
Barbarian Rank 1 | 000BABE8 | Two-Handed | Barbarian00 |
Barbarian Rank 2 | 00079346 | Two-Handed | Barbarian20 |
Barbarian Rank 3 | 00079347 | Two-Handed | Barbarian40 |
Barbarian Rank 4 | 00079348 | Two-Handed | Barbarian60 |
Barbarian Rank 5 | 00079349 | Two-Handed | Barbarian80 |
Benefactor | 00058216 | Alchemy | Benefactor |
Bestial Strength 1 | Dragonborn DLC Code + 0059A4 | Werewolf | DLC1BestialStrength25Perk |
Bestial Strength 2 | Dragonborn DLC Code + 007A3F | Werewolf | DLC1BestialStrength50Perk |
Bestial Strength 3 | Dragonborn DLC Code + 011CFA | Werewolf | DLC1BestialStrength75Perk |
Bestial Strength 4 | Dragonborn DLC Code + 011CFB | Werewolf | DLC1BestialStrength100Perk |
Bladesman Rank 1 | 0005F56F | One-Handed | Bladesman30 |
Bladesman Rank 2 | 000C1E90 | One-Handed | Bladesman60 |
Bladesman Rank 3 | 000C1E91 | One-Handed | Bladesman90 |
Block Runner | 00106253 | Block | BlockRunner |
Blood Healing | Dragonborn DLC Code + 005994 | Vampire Lord | DLC1VampiricBite |
Bone Breaker Rank 1 | 0005F592 | One-Handed | BoneBreaker30 |
Bone Breaker Rank 2 | 000C1E92 | One-Handed | BoneBreaker60 |
Bone Breaker Rank 3 | 000C1E93 | One-Handed | BoneBreaker90 |
Bribery | 00058F72 | Speech | Bribery |
Bullseye | 00058F64 | Archery | Bullseye |
Catalyst | 0005821B | ||
Champion's Stance | 00052D51 | Two-Handed | ChampionsStance |
Concentrated Poison | 00105F2F | Alchemy | ConcentratedPoison |
Conditioning | 00058F6D | Heavy Armor | Conditioning |
Conjuration Dual Casting | 000153CE | Conjuration | ConjurationDualCasting |
Corpse Curse | Dragonborn DLC Code + 008A70 | Vampire Lord | DLC1CorpseCursePerk |
Corpus Enchanter | 00058F7D | Enchanting | CorpusEnchanter |
Critical Charge | 000CB406 | One-Handed | CriticalCharge |
Critical Shot Rank 1 | 00105F1C | Archery | CriticalShot30 |
Critical Shot Rank 2 | 00105F1E | Archery | CriticalShot60 |
Critical Shot Rank 3 | 00105F1F | Archery | CriticalShot90 |
Cushioned | 000BCD2B | Heavy Armor | Cushioned |
Custom Fit | 00051B1B | Light Armor | CustomFit |
Cutpurse | 00058204 | Pickpocket | Cutpurse |
Daedric Smithing | 000CB413 | Smithing | DaedricSmithing |
Dark Souls | 000581DE | Conjuration | DarkSouls |
DBWellFitted | 0001711C | ||
Deadly Aim | 001036F0 | Sneak | DeadlyAim |
Deadly Bash | 0005F594 | Block | DeadlyBash |
Deep Freeze | 000F3933 | Destruction | DeepFreeze |
Deep Wounds Rank 1 | 0003AF83 | Two-Handed | DeepWounds30 |
Deep Wounds Rank 2 | 000C1E94 | Two-Handed | DeepWounds60 |
Deep Wounds Rank 3 | 000C1E95 | Two-Handed | DeepWounds90 |
Deflect Arrows | 00058F68 | Block | DeflectArrows |
Deft Movement | 00107831 | Light Armor | DeftMovement |
Destruction Dual Casting | 000153CF | Destruction | DestructionDualCasting |
Detect All Creatures | Dragonborn DLC Code + 00599B | Vampire Lord | DLC1DetectLifePerk |
Devastating Blow | 00052D52 | Two-Handed | DevastatingBlow |
Disarming Bash | 00058F66 | Block | DisarmingBash |
Disintegrate | 000F3F0E | Destruction | Disintegrate |
doomSteedEncumberPerk | 0001BAC9 | ||
Dragon Smithing | 00052190 | Smithing | DragonArmor |
Dual Flurry Rank 1 | 00106256 | One-Handed | DualFlurry30 |
Dual Flurry Rank 2 | 00106257 | One-Handed | DualFlurry50 |
Dual Savagery | 00106258 | One-Handed | DualSavagery |
Dwarven Smithing | 000CB40E | Smithing | DwarvenSmithing |
Eagle Eye | 00058F61 | Archery | EagleEye30 |
Ebony Smithing | 000CB412 | Smithing | EbonySmithing |
Elemental Potency | 000CB41A | Conjuration | ElementalPotency |
Elemental Protection | 00058F69 | Block | ElementalProtection |
Elven Smithing | 000CB40F | Smithing | ElvenSmithing |
Enchanter Rank 1 | 000BEE97 | Enchanting | Enchanter00 |
Enchanter Rank 2 | 000C367C | Enchanting | Enchanter20 |
Enchanter Rank 3 | 000C367D | Enchanting | Enchanter40 |
Enchanter Rank 4 | 000C367E | Enchanting | Enchanter60 |
Enchanter Rank 5 | 000C367F | Enchanting | Enchanter80 |
Experimenter Rank 1 | 00058218 | Alchemy | Experimenter50 |
Experimenter Rank 2 | 00105F2A | Alchemy | Experimenter70 |
Experimenter Rank 3 | 00105F2B | Alchemy | Experimenter90 |
Expert Alteration | 000C44B9 | Alteration | AlterationExpert75 |
Expert Conjuration | 000C44BD | Conjuration | ConjurationExpert75 |
Expert Destruction | 000C44C1 | Destruction | DestructionExpert75 |
Expert Illusion | 000C44C5 | Illusion | IllusionExpert75 |
Expert Locks | 000C3681 | Lockpicking | ExpertLocks75 |
Expert Restoration | 000C44C9 | Restoration | RestorationExpert75 |
Extra Effect | 00058F7F | Enchanting | ExtraEffect |
Extra Pockets | 00096590 | Pickpocket | ExtraPockets |
Fence | 00058F79 | Speech | fence |
Fighting Stance | 00052D50 | One-Handed | FightingStance |
Fire Enchanter | 00058F80 | Enchanting | FireEnchanter |
FireMastery | 000581E9 | ||
Fists Of Steel | 00058F6E | Heavy Armor | FistsOfSteel |
Frost Enchanter | 00058F81 | Enchanting | FrostEnchanter |
FrostMastery | 000581EC | ||
Glass Smithing | 000CB411 | Smithing | GlassSmithing |
Golden Touch | 0005820A | Lockpicking | GoldenTouch |
Gorging | Dragonborn DLC Code + 0059A7 | Werewolf | DLC1GorgingPerk |
Great Critical Charge | 000CB407 | Two-Handed | GreatCriticalCharge |
Green Thumb | 00105F2E | Alchemy | GreenThumb |
Hack and Slash Rank 1 | 0003FFFA | One-Handed | HackAndSlash30 |
Hack and Slash Rank 2 | 000C3678 | One-Handed | HackAndSlash60 |
Hack and Slash Rank 3 | 000C3679 | One-Handed | HackAndSlash90 |
Haggling Rank 1 | 000BE128 | Speech | Haggling00 |
Haggling Rank 2 | 000C07CE | Speech | Haggling20 |
Haggling Rank 3 | 000C07CF | Speech | Haggling40 |
Haggling Rank 4 | 000C07D0 | Speech | Haggling60 |
Haggling Rank 5 | 000C07D1 | Speech | Haggling80 |
Hunter's Discipline | 00051B12 | Archery | HuntersDiscipline |
Hypnotic Gaze | 00059B77 | Illusion | HypnoticGaze |
Illusion Dual Casting | 000153D0 | Illusion | IllusionDualCasting |
Impact | 000153D2 | Destruction | Impact |
Improved Remedy | 00058219 | ||
Improved Virulity | 0005821A | ||
Insightful Enchanter | 00058F7E | Enchanting | InsightfulEnchanter |
Intense Flames | 000F392E | Destruction | IntenseFlames |
Intimidation | 00105F29 | Speech | Intimidation |
Investor | 00058F7B | Speech | Investor |
Juggernaut Rank 1 | 000BCD2A | Heavy Armor | Juggernaut00 |
Juggernaut Rank 2 | 0007935E | Heavy Armor | Juggernaut20 |
Juggernaut Rank 3 | 00079361 | Heavy Armor | Juggernaut40 |
Juggernaut Rank 4 | 00079362 | Heavy Armor | Juggernaut60 |
Juggernaut Rank 5 | 00079374 | Heavy Armor | Juggernaut80 |
Keymaster | 000D79A0 | Pickpocket | KeyMaster |
Kindred Mage | 000581E2 | Illusion | KindredMage |
Light Fingers Rank 1 | 000BE124 | Pickpocket | LightFingers00 |
Light Fingers Rank 2 | 00018E6A | Pickpocket | LightFingers20 |
Light Fingers Rank 3 | 00018E6B | Pickpocket | LightFingers40 |
Light Fingers Rank 4 | 00018E6C | Pickpocket | LightFingers60 |
Light Fingers Rank 5 | 00018E6D | Pickpocket | LightFingers80 |
Light Foot | 0005820C | Sneak | LightFoot |
Limbsplitter Rank 1 | 000C5C05 | Two-Handed | Limbsplitter30 |
Limbsplitter Rank 2 | 000C5C06 | Two-Handed | Limbsplitter60 |
Limbsplitter Rank 3 | 000C5C07 | Two-Handed | Limbsplitter90 |
Locksmith | 00058208 | Lockpicking | Locksmith |
Mage Armor Rank 1 | 000D7999 | Alteration | MageArmor30 |
Mage Armor Rank 2 | 000D799A | Alteration | MageArmor50 |
Mage Armor Rank 3 | 000D799B | Alteration | MageArmor70 |
Magic Resistance Rank1 | 00053128 | Alteration | MagicResistance30 |
Magic Resistance Rank2 | 00053129 | Alteration | MagicResistance50 |
Magic Resistance Rank3 | 0005312A | Alteration | MagicResistance70 |
Master Alteration | 000C44BA | Alteration | AlterationMaster100 |
Master Conjuration | 000C44BE | Conjuration | ConjurationMaster100 |
Master Destruction | 000C44C2 | Destruction | DestructionMaster100 |
Master Illusion | 000C44C6 | Illusion | IllusionMaster100 |
Master Locks | 000C3682 | Lockpicking | MasterLocks100 |
Master Of The Mind | 00059B76 | Illusion | MasterOfTheMind |
Master Restoration | 000C44CA | Restoration | RestorationMaster100 |
Master Trader | 001090A5 | Speech | MasterTrader |
Matching Set | 00051B17 | Light Armor | MatchingSet |
Matching Set | 00107832 | Heavy Armor | MatchingSetHeavy |
Merchant | 00058F7A | Speech | Merchant |
MGEnthirVendorPerk | 0006BC37 | ||
Misdirection | 00058201 | Pickpocket | Misdirection |
Mist Form | Dragonborn DLC Code + 00599C | Vampire Lord | DLC1MistFormPerk |
MQlOlReduceAttackDamage | 0005CEC0 | ||
MQlOlReduceDamage | 0005CEBE | ||
Muffled Movement | 00058213 | Sneak | MuffledMovement |
Mystic Binding | 000640B3 | Conjuration | MysticBinding |
Necromage | 000581E4 | Restoration | Necromage |
Necromancy | 000581DD | Conjuration | Necromancy |
Night Cloak | Dragonborn DLC Code + 005997 | Vampire Lord | DLC1NightCloakPerk |
Night Thief | 00058202 | Pickpocket | NightThief |
Novice Alteration | 000F2CA6 | Alteration | AlterationNovice00 |
Novice Conjuration | 000F2CA7 | Conjuration | ConjurationNovice00 |
Novice Destruction | 000F2CA8 | Destruction | DestructionNovice00 |
Novice Illusion | 000F2CA9 | Illusion | IllusionNovice00 |
Novice Locks | 000F392A | Lockpicking | NoviceLocks00 |
Novice Restoration | 000F2CAA | Restoration | RestorationNovice00 |
Oblivion Binding | 000D799C | Conjuration | OblivionBinding |
Orcish Smithing | 000CB410 | Smithing | OrcishSmithing |
Overdraw Rank 1 | 000BABED | Archery | Overdraw00 |
Overdraw Rank 2 | 0007934A | Archery | Overdraw20 |
Overdraw Rank 3 | 0007934B | Archery | Overdraw40 |
Overdraw Rank 4 | 0007934D | Archery | Overdraw60 |
Overdraw Rank 5 | 00079354 | Archery | Overdraw80 |
Paralyzing Strike | 0003AFA6 | One-Handed | ParalyzingStrike |
Perfect Touch | 00058205 | Pickpocket | PerfectTouch |
Persuasion | 001090A2 | Speech | Persuasion |
Physician | 00058215 | Alchemy | Physician |
Poison Talons | Dragonborn DLC Code + 005996 | Vampire Lord | DLC1PoisonTalons |
Poisoned | 00105F28 | Pickpocket | Poisoned |
Poisoner | 00058217 | Alchemy | Poisoner |
Power Bash | 00058F67 | Block | PowerBashPerk |
Power of the Grave | Dragonborn DLC Code + 005998 | Vampire Lord | DLC1PowerOfTheGrave |
Power Shot | 00058F62 | Archery | PowerShot |
Purity | 0005821D | Alchemy | Purity |
Quick hands | 00106259 | Lockpicking | QuickHands |
Quick Reflexes | 000D8C33 | Block | QuickReflexes |
Quick Shot | 00105F19 | Archery | QuickShot |
Quiet Casting | 000581FD | Illusion | QuietCasting |
Rage | 000C44B5 | Illusion | Rage |
RangeOfMovement | 00051B1A | ||
Ranger | 00058F63 | Archery | Ranger |
Recovery Rank 1 | 000581F4 | Restoration | Recovery30 |
Recovery Rank 2 | 000581F5 | Restoration | Recovery50 |
Reflect Blows | 00105F33 | Heavy Armor | ReflectBlows |
Regeneration | 000581F8 | Restoration | Regeneration |
Respite | 000581F9 | Restoration | Respite |
Restoration Dual Casting | 000153D1 | Restoration | RestorationDualCasting |
Rune Master | 00105F32 | Destruction | RuneMaster |
Savage Feeding | Dragonborn DLC Code + 0059A6 | Werewolf | DLC1SavageFeedingPerk |
Savage Strike | 0003AF81 | One-Handed | SavageStrike |
Shadow Warrior | 00058214 | Sneak | ShadowWarrior |
Shield Charge | 00058F6A | Block | ShieldCharge |
Shield Wall Rank 1 | 000BCCAE | Block | ShieldWall00 |
Shield Wall Rank 2 | 00079355 | Block | ShieldWall20 |
Shield Wall Rank 3 | 00079356 | Block | ShieldWall40 |
Shield Wall Rank 4 | 00079357 | Block | ShieldWall60 |
Shield Wall Rank 5 | 00079358 | Block | ShieldWall80 |
Silence | 00105F24 | Sneak | Silence |
Silent Roll | 00105F23 | Sneak | SilentRoll |
SilverTongue | 00058F78 | ||
Skull Crusher Rank 1 | 0003AF84 | Two-Handed | Skullcrusher30 |
Skull Crusher Rank 2 | 000C1E96 | Two-Handed | Skullcrusher60 |
Skull Crusher Rank 3 | 000C1E97 | Two-Handed | Skullcrusher90 |
Snakeblood | 00105F2C | Alchemy | Snakeblood |
Soul Siphon | 00108A44 | Enchanting | SoulSiphon |
Soul Squeezer | 00058F7C | Enchanting | SoulSqueezer |
Soul Stealer | 000D799E | Conjuration | SoulStealer |
Stability | 000581FC | Alteration | Stability |
Steady Hand Rank 1 | 00103ADA | Archery | SteadyHand40 |
Steady Hand Rank 2 | 00103ADB | Archery | SteadyHand60 |
Stealth Rank 1 | 000BE126 | Sneak | Stealth00 |
Stealth Rank 2 | 000C07C6 | Sneak | Stealth20 |
Stealth Rank 3 | 000C07C7 | Sneak | Stealth40 |
Stealth Rank 4 | 000C07C8 | Sneak | Stealth60 |
Stealth Rank 5 | 000C07C9 | Sneak | Stealth80 |
Steel Smithing | 000CB40D | Smithing | SteelSmithing |
Storm Enchanter | 00058F82 | Enchanting | StormEnchanter |
Storm Mastery | 000581EE | ||
Summon Gargoyle | Dragonborn DLC Code + 016908 | Vampire Lord | DLC1GargoylePerk |
Summoner Rank 1 | 00105F30 | Conjuration | Summoner30 |
Summoner Rank 2 | 00105F31 | Conjuration | Summoner70 |
Supernatural Reflexes | Dragonborn DLC Code + 00599E | Vampire Lord | DLC1SupernaturalReflexesPerk |
Sweep | 0003AF9E | Two-Handed | Sweep |
TestFireMage | 000581E8 | ||
TestFrostMage | 000581EB | ||
TestLightningMage | 000581ED | ||
TGWellFitted | 0001711E | ||
Totem of Ice Brothers | Dragonborn DLC Code + 0059AA | Werewolf | DLC1TotemOfIceBrothersPerk |
Totem of Terror | Dragonborn DLC Code + 0059A8 | Werewolf | DLC1TotemOfTerrorPerk |
Totem of the Moon | Dragonborn DLC Code + 0059AB | Werewolf | DLC1TotemOfTheMoonPerk |
Totem of the Predator | Dragonborn DLC Code + 0059A9 | Werewolf | DLC1TotemPredatorPerk |
Tower of Strength | 00058F6C | Heavy Armor | TowerOfStrength |
Treasure Hunter | 00105F26 | Lockpicking | TreasureHunter |
Twin Souls | 000D5F1C | Conjuration | TwinSouls |
Unbreakable | 00058209 | Lockpicking | Unbreakable |
Unearthly Will | Dragonborn DLC Code + 005995 | Vampire Lord | DLC1UnearthlyWill |
Unhindered | 00051B1C | Light Armor | Unhindered |
Vampiric Grip | Dragonborn DLC Code + 00599A | Vampire Lord | DLC1VampiricGrip |
Ward Absorb | 00068BCC | Restoration | wardAbsorb |
Warmaster | 0003AFA7 | Two-Handed | Warmaster |
Wax Key | 00107830 | Lockpicking | WaxKey |
Well Fitted | 00058F6F | Heavy Armor | WellFitted |
Wind Walker | 00105F22 | Light Armor | WindWalker |
Skyrim Archery Perk Codes
Skyrim Cheats: Reset Perk Points, PerkIDs & Player.Addperk
Perks in this skill allow you to get better deals when trading, buy and sell any kind of item to any merchant, and make it more likely for a persuasion or intimidation attempt to succeed. The Speech skill tree has a total of 9 perks, requiring a total of 13 perk points to fill. Quick Shot, Steady Hand (only 1 perk), Eagle Eye, Power Shot, and Ranger are awesome perks. I've invested in every perk except for Bull's Eye, so I can't comment on that one. As for Hunter's Discipline, it's pretty bad, but Ranger compensates for it by making Archery a viable substitute for melee combat. Actually I just were using some perk mods, and I am just advancing the skill repeatedly by setting it to 100 and back to its original number. What perk mod is it? If it's Perkus Maximus, type help 'perk name' and it'll give you the ID for it. Backyard baseball gamecube controls. Edit: you be able to do that with any perk mod, really. Mod central mac.