Introducing World Missions Pdf

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  • This bestselling textbook by leading missionary scholars offers an engaging introduction to the work of missions in the contemporary world. It provides a broad overview of the biblical, theological, and historical foundations for missions. It also considers personal and practical issues involved in becoming a missionary, the process of getting to the mission field, and contemporary challenges.
  • This bestselling textbook by leading missionary scholars offers an engaging introduction to the work of missions in the contemporary world. It provides a broad overview of the biblical, theological, and historical foundations for missions.
WorldWorld missions far corners

Authors A. Scott Moreau, Gary R. Corwin, and Gary B. McGee wrote Introducing World Missions: A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Survey “for prospective missionaries as well as for those who are interested in missions but may serve in other capacities in God’s work.”[1] That second target audience is the one which applies most neatly to my situation. I do not perceive myself to be one who will spend most of his life “on the field,” although the editors of this volume do state carefully that the “missionary call” is not necessarily a call to a lifetime in one place. Nevertheless, a quasi-transient life being spent between a few locations either abroad or domestic would not be unwelcome. For being written to both the sent and the senders, IWM accomplishes its task well.


The authors divided the text into five parts. Summarized, they are written respectively about the theology of missions, the history of missions, the “call” to missions (and its attendants), preparing for missions, and the contemporary milieu of missions. The most fruitful sections for me were the history, preparation, and contemporary milieu of missions. Also, on page thirteen, the first chapter relates twenty-three definitions used in missiology, a helpful reference for my own structuring of the theology of missions. Having been exposed to some of those terms, although certainly not all, I find myself able to more easily converse with others (especially those who have gone on mission) about missionary work.

Revolution in World Missions - PDF book About Revolution In World Missions Step into the story of missionary statesman Dr. Yohannan and experience the world through his eyes—from the villages of India to the shores of Europe and North America. Watch out: His passion is contagious! Introducing world missions Download introducing world missions or read online books in PDF, EPUB, Tuebl, and Mobi Format. Click Download or Read Online button to get introducing world missions book now. This site is like a library, Use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. Introducing World Missions Encountering Mission.

Part 2 of IWM relates the history of mission work throughout the church. Especially enlightening was the focus on how the church has historically been concerned with proclaiming Christ to all men everywhere over against the contemporary trope that true Christianity is just being a nice person and minding one’s business. Further, the ecumenical inclusion of Roman Catholics, Pentecostals, and Evangelicals helped demonstrate that, despite otherwise deep and troublesome theological rifts, most self-identified Christian groups are concerned with spreading Christ throughout their contexts and foreign contexts. Part 4 details how one can and ought to prepare for a missions experience, whether they are the one being sent or the one sending. The practical wisdom contained in this section is great. From replanting families abroad to creating relationships with those people to whom one ministers, this section opened my eyes to many unforeseen aspects of international missions, which I would have ignorantly glossed over.

Part 5 explicates the conduct and particularities of missions in the modern world. This, in my opinion and for my own development, is the most importation section of the book. I feel drawn to cross-religious dialogue and engagement. In particular, the rise of Islam across the world, as well as the burgeoning problems in India between Hindus and Christians, compel me to understand, engage, and demonstrate the falsity of those false religions as opposed to Christ. If such studies were to take me to the Middle East or to Indonesia, I would do well to honor those principles highlighted throughout the final chapters of this book. Particularly helpful were the characterizations given on pages 298 to 302 concerning the role of engaging another religion. I order, the authors listed the roles as Adherent or Insider, Seeker or Inquirer, Explorer, Reporter, Specialist, Advocate of a new religion, and Apologist or Antagonist. I find myself drawn especially to the Specialist and Apologist or Antagonist roles. I can foresee future studies being devoted exclusively to Christian and Muslim engagement, for example.

Introducing World Missions Pdf

Although IWM is not a work which I would otherwise have purchased for my library had it not been assigned reading, it will prove to be a valuable tool for future ministry. Whether this ministry is directed towards my fellow churchmen or to myself as I minister to those at variance with Christ, IWM will give tools and principles that will enable me to send others to and to myself reach the lost.

[1]Moreau, A. Scott, Gary R. Corwin, and Gary B. McGee. Introducing World Missions: A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Survey. (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2004), 7.


What Is World Missions

Introducing World Missions Pdf

Introducing World Missions, the first volume in the Encountering Mission series, provides readers with a broad overview of the biblical, theological, and historical foundations for missions. It considers personal and practical issues involved in becoming a missionary, the process of getting to the mission field, and contemporary challenges a mission worker must face.
This valuable guide is based on current research and includes numerous case studies that consider important issues, as well as sidebars, charts, and maps that provide further details on topics of interest. Altogether, this is an engaging introduction to the work of missions in the contemporary world.

World Missions Images

  • Series: Encountering Mission
  • Hardcover: 352 pages
  • Publisher: Baker Academic; Har/Cdr edition (January 1, 2004)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0801026482
  • ISBN-13: 978-0801026485
  • Product Dimensions: 7.2 x 1 x 9.2 inches

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